A large Polygonized Planet with star background that covers the entire page on the left. Polygon Planet in bold lettering on the right side.
An image containing a polygonized planet with stars in the background. Concentric circles and a moon surround the planet.

Polygon Planet is passionate about creating stunning 3D Scans and connecting the cultural heritage sector.

For a world that values it's roots.

Photogrammetry Service Provider

We offer a comprehensive service package surrounding the field of photogrammetry. We master the entire workflow in house from the initial consultation up to the final interactive 3D webviewer.

Photogrammetry Services

Below you can find a list of different services we include in a project:

  • Capture of the 3D dataset
    • Aerial Photography
    • Photography
    • Lasergrammetry
    • Color Calibration
    • Geometry Scales
    • Ground Control Points
    • Optical Cross Polarization
  • Development of the 3D dataset
    • Image development
    • Alignment of the Images
    • 3D Surface Generation
    • Geometry Optimization
    • Texture Optimization
    • Texture Editing
    • Surface Modelling and Repairs
    • Delighting of the Textures
  • 3D Model exploitation
    • 3D Animation
    • Interactivity
    • Web Rendering
    • Virtual Reality
    • Virtal Tour
    • Pointcloud
    • Orthoprojection

3D Scans of our shared cultural heritage fosters digital tourism, education, research.

3D Models in a Webviewer

Lousberg Devil

Stoneware from Raeren

Tower of Bismarck of Aachen

Doe Skull

Impure Topaz

More Models from us on www.sketchfab.com

Strong Partners!

Digital Hub Aachen


Got a question?

Direct Communication


Telephone + WhatsApp
+49 1573 8200 918

Polygon Planet UG (limited liability)
c/o Christian Beckers
Morillenhang 2a
52064 Aachen


Polygon Planet

Polygon Planet
